+ 9860352441 / 9370522007 suryaenvirotechmpj@gmail.com237, Hanuman Nagar, NAGPUR – 440 024 (MS)

Illumination Survey

Good lighting plays an important role in safe guarding health at work by enabling employees to perform their work comfortably and efficiently. It helps employees to read clearly labels and safety instructions and even it is to see a hazard so that it can be avoided easily. The types of hazards present at work therefore determine the lighting requirements for safe operation.

To ensure safety and health of every working personal sufficient light must be arranged in the work place. Good lighting creates a pleasant atmosphere and gives employees a sense of well- being. This can improve their productivity and efficiency.

Poor lighting makes it hard for employees to see and can lead to visual fatigue and discomfort. It may affect the health of people at work causing symptoms like eyestrain, migraine and headaches. Poor lighting at work can represent a significant cost as a result of accidents and injuries, increased absenteeism as well as reduced staff efficiency & productivity.


  • To ensure sufficient quantity and good quality of illumination at work place
  • To identify potential hazards arising from the work activity under the current lighting condition
  • To evaluate the risk and
  • To decide improvement measures needed to protect the working personals.
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